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Coming March 2024

Creating Strong Minds

Working with parents and their children has been a passion that's driven by wanting to see families heal and thrive.

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Sometimes parents don’t feel talking with a therapist is what they need at that particular time. Parents who care about their child’s mental health want to prevent mental challenges or need more help than just a one chat with a therapist. Here at Creating Strong Minds, you get 2 for the price of 1. This means when you hire us, you get more than a 30 minute chat where someone just listens. Listening skills are crucial but we all know there’s more work that needs to be done. Creating Strong Minds was developed by two professionals with 23 years combined of experience, knowledge, certifications, and hands on care. From receiving degrees to managing a mental health nonprofit, Stefanie and Misty have more than a 30 minute conversation to give you, we have support like no other!

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The Life-Changing Guide: Your Child's Pathway To A Strong Mind


  • Understand the root of your child’s mental health problems 


  • Identify what past traumas are costing your family (and why it's so important to start healing)! 


  • Uncover your deep, underlying mental health challenges (and how they reinforce your unwanted behaviors) 


  • Identify who and what truly matters so you can make choices that align with your priorities 


  • Learn how to break the mental health stigma & how to overcome a negative mindset.


  • Learn how to practice empathy & why it's such a pivotal part of your healing 

You're not gonna want to miss this!

Start here!

This course is for you if . . .

We've created this course from our beautiful hearts BUT also from our experiences, knowledge and amazing results! Is this gonna work for you???

As A Parent Do you . . .

You feel frustrated when you're unable to help your child’s mental health


You panicked when you found out your child is dealing with mental health struggles 


Past traumas are pretty much something you want to forget but you need healing


You avoid interactions and difficult conversations with your child or other family members


You tend to put your mental health on the back-burner

Pampas Grass

But how?

here's how it works . . . 

You'll receive instant access to our exclusive online portal where you'll start the course.

just imagine

✔ Being proactive & voicing your thoughts without fear of what people will think

✔ Spending your day doing things that fulfill your mind with positivity instead of giving up
✔ Being able to communicate with your child confidently without irritation

✔ Enjoying your child’s growth while also growing your mind too

still not sure we are a good fit?

try our free

Mindset Makeover Challenge

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