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It all started with a nonprofit for children's mental health

Misty was hosting a women's event for mental health when she announced her new project Little Seeds of Hope. Stefanie was ALL ears! She couldn't resist to pop her pretty face in front of Misty and say, "I'm in!—Let's do this!". With an idea and dream—Stefanie and Misty worked tirelessly to develop and manage a nonprofit for children . . .and now it's just getting better! This duo is all about supporting parents in an unknown world where our children need us most.

We choose to give back!

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The Experts

who genuinely care.

Meet The Brains Behind Creating Strong Minds

Our biggest challenge:

Trying to convince parents how important mental health really is! 


Over the last 4 years, we have fought for your children whether you know it or not. We feel obligated to educate parents BECAUSE we know the after effects of NOT doing anything about the PROBLEM


Our responsibility to our communities is to make sure that YOUR children receive the love and care they deserve! If you're a parent . . . you're NOT alone! We are here to support your journey. Creating Strong Minds was founded on the principles of HOPE and HEALING

Our mission

To make sure parents are given the tools they need for their child's mental health while working on their own. We believe that every family must take the time to heal, grow, and implement the knowledge given by people who genuinely care.


Creating Strong Minds is on a mission to HELP every family thrive with confidence to keep moving forward!

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